Wiphan operates primary schools in the Nkwazi, Mapalo and Kaloko compounds outside of Ndola, Zambia. We give priority to the unprotected children of the community who are vulnerable to physical or sexual abuse, child slavery or human trafficking after the death of one or both of their parents. The double and single orphans attending our schools receive an academic education, bible teaching and discipleship, a daily hot school lunch, access to on-campus medical care and a safe place to be during the day.
Wiphan follows the Zambian government calendar and curriculum for grades 1-7. The school year begins in January with breaks during the months of April, August and December. We enhance the curriculum with Bible Study using the Community Bible Study International (CBSI) Children’s curriculum, and the Jolly Phonics Program which encourages children to read and write at an early age.
Our daily hot lunch program provides the only meal of the day for many of our students. Lunch is typically nshima (thick cornmeal), soya chunks, beans and during the growing season, vegetables from the school garden. Because most of the households where our students come survive on less than $2 a day, lunch is available on weekdays, even during the school breaks and holidays.
Basic medical care is provided at the school clinics for all students and staff.
The teachers employed by Wiphan are Christian Zambians with a certificate or degree who love the Lord and have been called to serve orphans. We consider our teachers to be one of our most valuable resources. Weekly meetings provide a time of fellowship, devotions, prayer and encouragement for the staff.
Primary School
Wiphan offers a 1-7th grade education for 650 orphans and vulnerable children in our three schools located in the compounds on the outskirts of Ndola.
Secondary School
For students who successfully complete 7th grade, Wiphan pays the tuition for secondary government school.
Widows and older orphans (18+ years old) can learn a skill in Jewelry Crafting, Hospitality or Computer Keyboarding.
Data Entry &
Wiphan operates a 24/7 Data Entry Center with skilled data entry operators who enter, manage and maintain effective records for Wiphan’s customers.